Friday, November 2, 2007

Santa Margherita and Brownies

So, I had total plans of just picking up brownie mix, mixing it with water and 30 mins later voila: 24 perfectly made brownies. ...nope.

Okay, let's go back about 20+ years. I am a diabetic. Yes, the type that Wiflord Brimley discusses on his info-mercials as bein' diabetus. I am the real kind. No HIV or illness that progresses into it-I am the real deal. 100% Juvenile Onset Certified. Not that that is any excuse AT ALL and I am not trying to use it as that.

But this leads me to tell you that:
I NEVER make desserts---of any kind. But I never thought these would be such an issue. I need about e'nuff for 60+people. Should be easy, right?

Yeah, well it wasn't.
isn't and in fact, they never got made.

So, now I have to wake up at like 7 am and make 60+ brownies.

Guess it doesn't help that I was watching the Sabres lose to Florida. I mean, c'mon. Assholes you live in ice and snow and you have to lose to a team that lives in the Sun and Sand. Fuck off guys. You should realize that you are being paid a gazillions dollars and you should be winning.

I am going to bed. I have had three glasses of wine and just don't feel like BettyFuckingCrocker right now. Hopefully, I am willing to do all of this work in the morning. But, we'll see.

At least I'll see my cousins tomorrow so that will be super nice. Now I am off to watching shit TV and drifting off to sleep land.

Nighty Night.

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