Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Guilty Pleasure Sunday 11/11/07 (on 11/12/07)

Okay, I may be a day late on this but as the saying goes: "better late than never"--That really should also be my life motto (but I'll save that commentary for a later date). So, it is Sunday (or really late Monday morning) and it is time for the next installment of Guilty Pleasure Sunday. (refer back to GP 11/4/07) for more info).

So, today I am only putting one thing that I see as this past week's (or month or past year and year to come) GP.

It is one word. Not sure if Merriam Webster has declared that but 90% of the human race that uses the internet certainly knows it as one word.

Are you ready?

Yes, it is: Facebook.

Ok, ok, insert jokes here -->...wait, let me do it for you: Are you supposed to be under 16 to be on that? Are you really that big of nerd that you have to play on that shit all day? Carla, even though you can't make friends in real life doesn't mean you can solicit them on the internet? Have you met your future husband yet? (and to that last one)..is he of legal age?

I think that covers some of the basics.

But let's face it. When has keeping in touch with all (yes, ALL) of your friends, acquaintances, old co-workers, schoolmates, etc in one central location and not have to leave your home or even change out of your jammies ever been so easy? Social Networking has sky rocketed with these sites (amongst many others).

I mean, when was the last time you could take a picture of your brand new kitty, post it somewhere where everyone you know can see it and then get a comment from your third grade teacher on just how cute it is? All within a 20 minute period? (Note: a. that question is rhetorical because I know someone reading this just did that and 2. my third grade teacher is not on it....or so I think).

Believe me, you think you'd never do anything like it. But, I swear to you that it is completely addicting. Like Crack, I tell ya. Do it. Go make yourself a page. Find your friends. Before you know it, you'll be sitting on your computer looking through your best friend's cousin's sister wedding photos and it won't even phase you...

I guarantee it.

Now, you'll have to excuse me. I have to go see if my third grade teacher has a page.

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