Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fall from Grace.

Above is a trailer to a Documentary that I watched this past week.

I was laying in my bed, trying to fall asleep at a decent hour (avant 7 am). My shows had not taped on Sunday--FUCKING DVR ASSHOLES! (if anyone has them taped and can let me come see what happened to Felicity's husband PLEASE E-MAIL ME)

So, I was seeing if I could get 'Dexter' on Demand when I came across this movie.

I won't go into how it is wrong what this man preaches or how he is a living Hitler or that all of his children seem to be "fags" themselves. However, I am officially putting out a request:

To any and all of my gay friends: Would you be interested in going to one of the rallies or events they are picketing at, get liquored up (some of you may not need to) and have hard-core, animal, gay sex in front of them while they are picketing?

I know, I know...I thought of this and cannot believe how brilliant of an idea it is!
Picture them standing there watching two guys have sex right in front of them. Or two Lesbians licking each other's...faces.

If you have the chance, please watch this documentary. I think it was around where the 5 year old says; "those fags are dirty bastards" when I realized I was not getting to bed at an early time that night.


. said...

I won't have animal sex in front of protesters, but I'll sing Barry Manilow songs.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'll join in! You seem really cool / funny. If you have AIM, message me sometime to chat: HiIAmLouie
