Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Guilty Pleasure Sunday 12/09/07 (on 12/12/07)

Okay, so I can easily admit to having the worst sleeping habits in the world. Done and Done. Due to this lovely trait, I have been privileged to catch the best of the best on late night television.

I Never watched this show when it was actually airing (circa 1991) but have found it now and cannot get enough of it. I literally DVR the episodes (on at 3am and 3:30am) and watch them until I am punching myself in laughter.

So, this week's GP is: The game show from Nickelodeon GUTS, 'Get The Picture'.

I wanted to find a really funny clip of the show but You Tube failed me on that end. I found a few clips after learning that the host, Micheal O'Malley is now a star from some crappy sitcom like; 'Yes Dear'. I was totally convinced he died from a speed ball overdose after he was snorting lines on the set of 'GTP' with the announcer, Henry J (yes, I have acronym'd it).

Totally and Wicked Awesome.

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